1. 河南省自然科学基金青年基金(编号:232300421334),钢/铝摆动激光焊界面Fe-Al化合物层厚度及形态分布的调控及机理研究,2023.01-2024.12,5万,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金(编号:51674112),钢/铝搭接激光深熔焊接头中脆性Fe-Al化合物的调控及机理研究,2017.1-2020.12,61万,结题,主研
3. 国家重点研发计划课题 (编号:2018YFB1107905),航天航空交通激光及激光复合焊接技术与装备应用示范,2018.5-2021.4,592万,结题,参与
4. 湖南省自然科学基金(编号:2020JJ4207),新型锆合金薄板带材织构及其协调配合第二相粒子的调控理论与控制技术研究,2020.1-2022.12,结题,参与
1. Tian Li, Dianwu Zhou, Youruiling Yan, Shumai Zhang, Jinshui Liu. Effect of Ti foil on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser fusion welding of DP590 dual-phase steel to 6022 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 796: 139929.
2. Tian Li, Dianwu zhou, Youruiling Yan, Jinshui Liu. Effect of beam oscillation on intermetallic compounds and mechanical properties of steel/aluminum laser welded joint. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2022, 73: 40-53.
3. Tian Li, Dianwu Zhou, Youruiling Yan, Jinshui Liu. Effect of heat input on the microstructure and mechanical property of steel/aluminum laser welding joints with Ti foil. Optics and laser technology, 2021, 141: 107114.
4. Tian Li, Dianwu zhou, Youruiling Yan, Ping Peng, Jinshui Liu. First-principles and experimental investigations on ductility/brittleness of intermetallic compounds and joint property in steel/aluminum laser welding. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2021, 31(10): 2962-2977.
5. Dianwu Zhou, Tian Li, Shaohua Xu, Jinshui Liu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of adding adhesive layer laser-welded joints of DP590 dual-phase steel and 6061 aluminum alloy. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2019, 72(12): 3295-3304.
6. Dianwu Zhou, Tian Li, Shaohua Xu, Jinshui Liu. Numerical and experimental investigations in laser welding for steel and magnesium alloy. Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2018, 5(3): 1-15.
7. 李田, 周惦武, 卢源志, 李宁宁. 中间层对钢铝激光搭接焊金属蒸汽/等离子 体和微观组织影响的研究. 第二十三次全国焊接学术会议.
8. 周惦武; 李田; 严佑锐凌; 刘金水. 用于钢铝焊的热力学和本征力学性质计算的元素添加方法. 中国. ZL202010619984.7.(发明专利)
9. 周惦武; 潘井春; 李田; 周来沁. 一种增加异种金属焊接熔池两侧凹陷的方法. 中国. ZL201810450303.1. (发明专利)